Friday, February 26, 2010

The Literacy Ambassador Recommends Indestructibles

Cathy Puett Miller also known as The Literacy Ambassador recently did an interview with The Reading Tub.  Cathy was asked to single out 10 books, one for each year to recommend for parents to share with their children.  She chose Indestructibles for age 0-3.  You can read her reply below or go here for the entire interview or here to learn more about her and her books.

Cathy: Wow. There is actually no way I could do that nor would I want to. Part of the beauty of reading with your child is finding the right fits for the two (or more) of you. That said, for the years 0-3, think bright pictures, familiar story themes and topics, few words on each page to match the attention span of the individual child. also remember children are very tactile at that age so include a few books that are “mouth proof” like board books or plastic or bath toys. Workman has some new books called “Indestructibles” that are great for this age.

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